All class levels in Kinderdance, Ballet, Pointe, Jazz, Modern, and Tap are based on a graded syllabus that has been designed to give students the ultimate training under a controlled and monitored environment. All students will be assigned to classes according to their age and developmental skill level.
Master Class Program:
Local students are exposed to the expertise of some of the greatest teaching artists in the world today. Dance Theatre pupils are fortunate to have the opportunity to study with notables from all areas of dance.
A class designed to introduce young students 3-5 to the joy of movement and rhythm. A combination of ballet, tap and creative studies enhance both locomotion and cognitive skills.
Beginning Ballet:
An introduction of positions and placement of the arms, feet and body. Elementary barre and center - short combinations of steps. Correct body alignment is stressed so the student learns to move with strength and grace.
A familiar recognition of terminology, more secure placement as well as a challenging faster-paced class. These levels prepare students for ballet examinations, higher level performances and scholarship auditions.
Beginning Tap:
This class will focus on beginning sounds, combining these basics into stylized movement with musical phrasing.
Intermediate/Advanced Tap:
This course is directed to a higher level of accomplishment according to the student's progress. Emphasis on clarity of sound, nimbleness, speed and dexterity along with stylish use of upper body, head, arms and hands.

An introduction to contemporary movement through study of the classical modern approach of such techniques as Horton, Graham and Cunningham
Beginning Jazz and Hip Hop:
This class introduces jazz technique along with utilization of today's latest movement crazes. Fun! Various age levels are offered including teen/adult beginners.
Intermediate/Advanced Jazz and Contemporary:
Total body movement at all spatial levels demonstrating rhythm, musical phrasing and body isolations. Combinations requiring turns, big jumps and quick foot work are given in each class.
Beckley Dance Theatre also affords many other opportunities such as partnering classes shown in this video.